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Demonstrator workshop organised for the fifth time at the University of Pécs Medical School

March 25, 2024

On 23 February, the Department of Languages for Biomedical Purposes and Communication organized the demonstrator workshop for the 5th time in cooperation with the Demonstrator Student Circle of the Medical School. Hungarian and international students and mentors working together in the development of medical language and communication skills traditionally hold their English language methodological programme in the first half of the spring semester, which provides an excellent opportunity for participants to renew their skills and improve their teaching.

The opening speech was given by Dr Andrea Tamás and Dr Kristóf Filipánits from the DDK, and Dr Anikó Kőhalmi Hambuchné from the Department of Languages for Biomedical Purposes and Communication, and Dr Katalin Lepenye Eklicsné welcomed the participants on behalf of the organising mentors. The moderator of the programme and the main student organiser was Beck Brandon, a sixth-year teaching assistant student.

The aim of the demonstrator workshop was to have experienced demonstrators present and discuss in detail the interactive, modern methods of medical Hungarian, English and German lessons. During the presentations, different interactive techniques and tools were presented to help students learn more effectively and understand medical language better.

Thanks to mentor Dr. Rita Kránicz and demonstrator student Péter Gátos, this year's workshop also included a special German-language session for teachers and students of German-Hungarian medical language and communication courses.

The speakers gave a detailed presentation on the importance of group work, problem solving and role-playing in medical education, as well as highlighting the benefits and opportunities of simulation tools, virtual learning environments and online platforms. Interactive methods help students to better understand medical language, develop their communication skills and prepare them for clinical practice.

The workshop provided an opportunity for lecturers and students to share experiences and best practices, and to gain new ideas and inspiration for improving teaching. The community formed at the event helped educators and teaching assistants to work together more effectively to improve the quality of education.

Cover photo:

Dr Katalin Lepenye Eklicsné


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